This past weekend I was able to take our Cruisette out for a brief overnight trip. I conducted a workshop for the Brigade of the American Revolution Northwest Department on how to construct 18th-century wigwams at the "Fallfest" held at Brecksville Metropark outside of Cleveland.
In order to prep for the trip I got the tires "serviced"--dismounted, bands and new inner tubes added, remounted and balanced--to remedy the problems outlined in Cruisette Diary 10.
After the workshop was over I drove the trailer to the town of Boston Mills located in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. I was keen on checking out the M.D. Garage, a restored 1940's gas station. The Park Service uses it to host local art exhibitions. It is quite well restored, and while the gas pumps are locked the air pump is still functional. This is likely for the convenience of the bicyclists using the nearby Cuyahoga Valley Trail.